2025 General Operating Budget Pledge Cards
Stewardship is more than giving; it’s a faithful response to God’s abundant blessings in our lives. It’s a call to invest in the ministries of First Rowlett, enabling us to share Christ’s love, serve our neighbors, and make a lasting impact. As Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Our financial generosity reflects our love for God and our commitment to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. It isn’t just about supporting a cause; it’s about practicing gratitude and faith. Through financial generosity, we participate in God’s mission and open our hearts to experience the joy of giving as an act of worship.
We invite you to prayerfully consider where God is calling you to be in your giving for 2025. You may download a pdf of the pledge card to fill out and return to the offering plate, the church office or email to our financial secretary, Karyl Dunne.
Other Ways to Give:
When you join, you promise to give your talents and gifts to support First Rowlett with your:
Prayers Talking with God about the needs of others, our congregation, our country and world
Presence Simple to do - just show up. But church goes on at many other times of the week - in small groups, in ministry groups, in service groups. Being there for each other is a vital part of being the church.
Gifts While most people may associate gifts with money, sharing your spiritual gifts is also an important gift we give God and each other. Many people participate financially to the ministries of the church as well.
Service Getting outside the walls of the church and serving those in need is the hallmark of an active Christian.
Witness Mother Teresa has been quoted as saying, “Tell the whole world about Christ and, if necessary, use words. When you make yourself approachable ... people will ask about your faith."
More ways to Give:
Help Your Neighbor Fund Want to make a financial difference in the lives of church and community members who are having temporary financial difficulties? Donate by clicking on the button above and mark your donation for the “Help Your Neighbor Fund”.
Memorials, Honorariums, and other Special Gifts Designate a gift in memory or honor of someone or bless others as you have been blessed. These can be earmarked for a specific cause or not. Individuals who are honored and their families will be notified.
Matching Gifts Program If your company offers a Matching Gifts Program for non-profit organizations, our church may qualify to receive those gifts.
Appreciated Assets Please consider a non-cash gift of appreciated assets, such as securities, life insurance policies or real estate. These assets qualify for a charitable deduction at market value, which will be a tax advantage in most cases.
Include the Church in Your Will There are many ways to provide for your church through the distribution of your estate. Often these gifts can be set up through the church's foundation so that they will continue to provide for the ministries of the church for years to come.
Questions? Contact our financial secretary, Karyl Dunne.