D’Andre Smith
D’Andre is thrilled to be the youth director for First Rowlett UMC. He was born and raised in the North Texas area and has been working in the United Methodist Church since 2014.
He loves football and is an Alabama fan (Roll Tide). He loves cooking and trying new recipes. He also enjoys traveling to visit with friends and family.
Being brought up in the United Methodist church since 2006, he understands the importance of a solid youth group. Youth retreats and camps are where he has met his life-long friends and mentors. Knowing the difference it can make, he is extremely honored to be a part of this church family.
Formerly on staff at FUMC Denton, Argyle UMC and Grace Chapel UMC, D’Andre has also held numerous leadership positions at Bridgeport, the conference’s youth camp. He is currently on track to receive his Certification in Youth Ministry from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University.